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Switchboards are onchain verifiers to coordinate with watchers, switchboards are:

  • Permission-less to register: Anyone can write a switchboard and register it with SOCKET
  • Lightweight Interface: The interface is super simple, switchboards accept proofs and reply with a boolean of acceptance or rejection
  • Application Defined: Application developers can select any switchboard allowing them to accept their required security, cost and latency profiles.
  • Proof-agnostic: Switchboards just accept proofs, these proofs could be of any kind, attestations from oracles, zk-proofs or even optimistic submissions.

Think about switchboards as the connective tissue between watchers and application-builders, enabling application-builders to coordinate effectively with these offchain operators.


Switchboards are smart-contracts that acccept proofs, of whatever kind, zkproofs, msig proofs and reply back with a boolen of true/false. Developers can write any condition necessary in these contracts and those will be executed onchain before the application onchain smart contract is called.