API usage
We include a few helper APIs to help developers build effectively, while all data is available publicly these are to help developers build applications seamlessly.
API Documentation
Base URL - https://apiv2.dev.socket.tech
Retrieves deployed addresses for a specified deployer contract. It returns on-chain deployed addresses, along with their corresponding forwarderAddresses.
GET /getAddresses
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
appDeployerAddress | string | offchain address of appdeployer contract |
contractId | string | The contract identifier used in deployer contract |
chainSlug | number | The chain id to specify the blockchain. |
A JSON object with these fields:
"onchain": {
"chainSlug": 421614
"deployedContract": "0x3e3d9f517De1CA6d41f5A79ED1D9340d8fF3FC7F"
"offchain": {
"forwarder": "0x31828eb15fc1F18901b75329AB1d06f4C5dda43D",
"contractId": "0xbeca3ec2d1dd91b46d9eccba1f77d96f5e4fe32fc344efb846bbf5cbad45e19e"
Example Request:
GET /getAddresses?appDeployerAddress=0xD6E4aA932147A3FE5311dA1b67D9e73da06F9cEf&contractId=0xbeca3ec2d1dd91b46d9eccba1f77d96f5e4fe32fc344efb846bbf5cbad45e19e&chainSlug=421614
Note: Once you call deployContracts()
function on your app deployer, it will take some time to deploy the on-chain contract and off-chain forwarder contract.
If some of the addresses return as Address(0), wait for some time, as deployment might be in progress. If you get Address(0) after 5 minutes of the initial call, contact the team.
Retrieves the forwarder address for a given on-chain address. This address is predicted using create2.
GET /getForwarderAddress
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
onChainAddress | string | The on-chain address |
chainSlug | number | The chain id to specify the blockchain |
A JSON object with these fields:
"chainSlug": 421614,
"onChainAddress": "0x3e3d9f517De1CA6d41f5A79ED1D9340d8fF3FC7F",
"forwarderAddress": "0x31828eb15fc1F18901b75329AB1d06f4C5dda43D",
"isDeployed": true
Example Request:
GET /getForwarderAddress?onChainAddress=0x7Fe1141202de13F6884d2A50612DC7685eC68640&chainSlug=421614"
Example Response:
"chainSlug": 421614,
"onChainAddress": "0x3e3d9f517De1CA6d41f5A79ED1D9340d8fF3FC7F",
"forwarderAddress": "0x31828eb15fc1F18901b75329AB1d06f4C5dda43D",
"isDeployed": true
Note: If the on-chain contracts are deployed using an app deployer, they will already have a forwarder contract. However, suppose you wish to use a contract already deployed on-chain, for example, UniswapFactory. In that case, you will get isDeployed
as false, and you can deploy it using <insert forwarder deployment doc link here> and then start using it.
Tx Details
This API retrieves transaction details based on the provided transaction hash (txHash). It returns the status of the transaction and any associated payloads, including execution and simulation details. The txHash is of OffchainVM
Request Parameters
- txHash (string, required): The hash of the transaction for which details are to be retrieved.
Response Format
The response is a JSON object containing the following fields:
"apiStatus": "SUCCESS",
"response": [
"status": "REVERTING",
"Payloads": [
"payloadId": "string",
"chainSlug": "number",
"target": "string",
"payload": "string",
"callType": "string",
"executeDetails": {
"executeTxHash": "string or null",
"executionStatus": "string",
"returnData": "string",
"callbackTxHash": "string or null"
"simulationDetails": {
"executeSimulationStatus": "string",
"executeRevertString": "string",
"callbackSimulationStatus": "string",
"callbackRevertString": "string"
"feesInfo": {
"feePoolChain": "number",
"feePoolToken": "string",
"maxFees": "string",
"fee": "string"
Response Fields Explanation
Field | Type | Description |
apiStatus | string | Status of the API call (e.g., "SUCCESS") |
status | string | Current transaction status (e.g., IN_PROGRESS, REVERTING, COMPLETED) |
Payloads | array | Array of payload objects for the transaction |
payloadId | string | Unique identifier for the payload |
chainSlug | number | Blockchain identifier |
target | string | Target address for the payload |
payload | string | Payload data |
callType | string | Type of call (e.g., “READ”, "WRITE", "DISTRIBUTE_FEE", “WITHDRAW”) |
executeDetails | object | Execution details of the payload |
executeDetails.executeTxHash | string or null | Execution transaction hash |
executeDetails.executionStatus | string | Execution status (e.g., "PROMISE_RESOLVED", etc) |
executeDetails.returnData | string | Data returned from execution |
executeDetails.callbackTxHash | string or null | Callback transaction hash |
simulationDetails | object | Payload simulation details |
simulationDetails.executeSimulationStatus | string | Simulation status (e.g., "SIMULATION_SUCCESS") |
simulationDetails.executeRevertString | string | Error message if simulation failed |
simulationDetails.callbackSimulationStatus | string | Callback simulation status |
simulationDetails.callbackRevertString | string | Callback simulation error message |
.feesInfo | object | Transaction fee information |
.feesInfo.feePoolChain | number | Fee pool chain id |
.feesInfo.feePoolToken | string | Fee token Address |
.feesInfo.maxFees | string | Maximum allowed fees for payloads |
.feesInfo.fee | string | Actual fee charged by transmitter |
ExecutionStatus Values
- NO: Indicates that there is no execution status yet.
- FINALIZING: The execution is in the process of being finalized.
- FINALIZED: The execution has been finalized by watcher.
- EXECUTING: The execution is currently in progress.
- EXECUTED: The execution has been completed successfully on-chain.
- PROMISE_RESOLVING: The promise/callback related to the execution is being resolved.
- PROMISE_RESOLVED: The promise/callback has been resolved.
Status Values
- IN_PROGRESS: The payloads are currently being processed.
- REVERTING: One of the payloads is reverting. Check individual payload details for more info.
- COMPLETED: all payloads are executed.
Example Request
GET /getDetailsByTxHash?txHash=0x1c1eddc12771a9f9a9d9b2882c0d7012fcf9b8ee2bb85a76fcb77ce4226340b8
Example Response
"apiStatus": "SUCCESS",
"response": [
"status": "REVERTING",
"Payloads": [
"payloadId": "0x00066eee82dc804b1a84474266d59e1ccd51fae43b4df19b000000000000001f",
"chainSlug": 421614,
"target": "0x82dc804b1a84474266d59e1ccd51fae43b4df19b",
"payload": "0x052c5084...00000",
"callType": "WRITE",
"executeDetails": {
"executeTxHash": "0x0e1b95a6258666ba8ab50ab86891df9b1761b9b55320e1ed18d85f40d59c51ee",
"executionStatus": "PROMISE_RESOLVED",
"returnData": "0x",
"callbackTxHash": "0x0e1b95a6258666ba8ab50ab86891df9b1761b9b55320e1ed18d85f40d59c51ee"
"simulationDetails": {
"executeSimulationStatus": "SIMULATION_SUCCESS",
"executeRevertString": "",
"callbackSimulationStatus": "SIMULATION_SUCCESS",
"callbackRevertString": ""
"feesInfo": {
"feePoolChain": 421614,
"feePoolToken": "ETH",
"maxFees": "0.001",
"fee": "0.00001"
If the callType is DEPLOY
, you will see an extra object in payload details as follows -
"onChainAddress": "0x120C7763B29c39d6A2A354B73A868Cc19abDcbf0",
"forwarderAddress": "0xFfc8F5a446647515afd168F9F38772b38e2d0837",
"isForwarderDeployed": false
As soon as on-chain deployment is done, we will get the onChainAddress and forwarderAddress. ForwarderAddress is derived from chainSlug and onChainAddress. In the callback, forwarderAddress is deployed and the isForwarderDeployed
variable will become true
. Now you can start using your forwarderAddress.